Winchester super lite powder reloading data. 42 Ballistic Terms and Definitions.

Winchester super lite powder reloading data Powders include Winchester Super-Handicap®, -- this is the identical powder loaded in Winchester's Super-Handicap 12 gauge shell and nick named, by experienced clay target shooters, the "silver bullet". The powder has some info on the bottle for 12 gauge loads but I can't find anything for 20 gauge since the powder is discontinued. Become a Load Data member, access over 311,826 load recipies LoadData. Can not find loading The only thing left from the original purchase is the WSL1 Powder. It's Winchester Super Target in a 1 pound container. • It is a compact and highly versatile multi-use powder. 410 bore well. Buy Winchester WST directly from Winchester. I would use the data for the Win hull but sub in the Rem hull. 6 Shotshell Reloading. Winchester's load data also provides the powder charge required to match their factory shells. These are 26 gram (401 grains) of #8 shot at the following velocities: 12 gr. 4 is the range in Modern Reloading. How he could compare a single base flake powder like 4756 to 572 which is a double base ball powder is beyond me. luv the stuff for lite loads in 38 supercomp. For example, I'm interested in the "Clays Express(tm)" package. 6. Pistol; Rifle; Shotgun; Reloading Education. You can google PW powder bushing chart if you like. Using bullets from Speer, Lee 309-150F, Hornady, Sierra. Winchester Reloading guide - Free download as PDF File (. There is plenty of pressure "space" between the what the data says and the SAAMI MAP of 11,500 psi. This information is presented to furnish the reloader with current data for reloading shotshell Win super lite wads were designed for the super lite powder originally because of the powder being so dense in 1 1/8oz loads. I could not find any of the powders (Green Dot, Unique, International, Universal) that I wanted for my Wife's 20 gauge I settled for 1 lb. Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or its substitute. 550"; nominal bullet diameter (jacketed): . In today's available Winchester powders it's W-540, discontinued but Hodgdons HS6 is the very same powder, and WSF. Rifle. Hodgdon Universal and IMR SR 7625 were listed as 26th and 27th on the same WSL, (Winchester Super Lite), is a fast burning 12 ga. 4gr--910fps--19,800 I looked in the back of the powder locker, and "found" 2 8# cans from when I used to shoot a lot of trap. I tried looking on the Hodgdon site for a recipe for this powder and cant seem to find any. the bottle has a load data on the front shows this only. Its in a metal can with a metal screw cap. Once you find out how much powder you need to drop!!! You can use your scale to weight each drop until your get your desired powder drops. In its Relative Burn Rate chart in the same manual, Hodgdon HP-38 and Winchester 231, which are the same powder, are shown in positions 28 and 29, respectively. 10 Gauge; 12 Gauge; 16 Gauge; 20 Gauge; 24 Gauge; 28 Gauge; 32 Gauge; Black Powder & Cannon Fuse; Black Powder Substitutes & Pellets; Smokeless Powder; reloading supplies and accessories. Totally different burn curve and characteristics, looking at Hodgdon load data 572 is definitely faster than 4756 was, seems to ok I was already throwing a super lite powder drop of 15gn with the 7/8oz I want to get the recoil down as much as possible so going the 3/4oz route now. This slow-burning, high energy propellant gives the shooter great handicap or long range sporting clays loads at up to 1250 FPS with a 1-1/8 ounce shot charge. 410 Bore Loads, . Load data shotgun gauges are . The link below gets you the reloading data for 7/8, 1 & 1 1/8 oz. About 1990 Winchester introduced a new line of shotshell powders: Winchester Super Target (WST), Super Lite Fed. ) Alliant Power Pistol Power Pistol IMR SR 7625 SR 7625 The proper burn rate powder for the . Besides the Lee hype, there is a good deal of data. All 3 can be bought today, if you look around. Your bullet seating die will be close if not on and POI will be very close as previously stated. 35 Handgun Data. Been using it with Winchester W209 primers and Downrange WAA12 replacement wads for 1145 fps and 1200 fps loads. These three powders are different and should not be interchanged. If memory serves (long time ago) WW was on the on the brass base with Western at the bottom. Does I received almost a full pound of Winchester Super Light shotgun powder. I have downloaded the Winchester 15th edition reloading book and whilst I can find plenty of data for compression formed cases there is none for straight wall cases. Yikes, I'm looking for about 1200fps. WSF Winchester Super Field; WST Winchester Super Target; Stay up on the latest Bullets, Cartridges and Reloading ; Winchester Super Lite (WSL) powder Winchester Super Lite (WSL) powder. 's site or my loading book. This information and data may vary considerably depending on many factors, including the components used, component assembly, the type of firearm used, reloading techniques, safety precautions practiced, etc. 357, . All of the powders I could find reloading data forexcept Winchester Super-Field AA WSF1. I bought 3 lbs. thinking that if I can't make it work for my trap loads I can always use in loading for a M1911. I like the load and powder. I looked up the data for the two that night 4 saami information sporting arms and ammunition manufacturers’ institute, inc. : 12. It will be very dirty burning and as you testing shows, inconsistent in velocity. It is entirely safe to reduce the powder below square to lower velocity and recoil. 572, or WSF powders for their current reloading of 20 ga. shot of your choosing, I use 7-1/2's. Case Win AA HS 12 GA WAD WAA 12SL Primer Win 209 Shot 26 The "You will also need:" section contains the kind of shot, the kind of powder, what shot bushing or bar and what powder bushing you'll need. State your proposed load needs and I'll give you the data. Could not find it on any burn chart, even the Winchester burn chart, but the guy reloaded . Clays H. I found Extra-Lite powder for my 12 gauge which I am good with that. I recently bought the entire reloading content of a refrigerator(his means of storing). View Profile View Forum Posts Private The brass on the right was originally a CCI factory load, then was reloaded and fired twice with plated bullets and a heavy charge of WST. Its Winchester and says ball powder, Super-Target,WST-8, for target and standard I have 8# of Win Super-Lite (no longer produced as far as I know - shows up in no current loading charts) that I bought probably about 1992-3. WST Super Target is the current 12 ga. It is a simple transition especialy if you use the same weight bullet as your stout load. txt) or read online for free. Clear Duster wad, or Claybuster CB0178-12 7/8 oz. Pistol. Jump to Latest Does anyone have any load data for this powder for 12 gauge. 0gr WST = 1040fps, worked fine. all Load Data. 308 Win. Load Data. Powders include Winchester Win. I am glad that I found the light shells. Those hulls were impossible to reload. Universal (Universal Clays should not be confused with Hodgdon’s Clays, or International Clays. WST is a ball powder and THE choice to duplicate 12-gauge AA factory loads and standard velocity handgun loads. 5 800-X and proceeded to load again, checks proved the Download the official reloading guides of several powder and bullet manufacturers for free to get your desired load data. target load powder. If you want 980 fps you will probably need a different powder. powders manufactured by Winchester We understand that many shooters are looking for a powder that will have a density that allows use of standard components (wads and cases). A square load is one where the shot scoop and powder scoop are one in the same. ) Alliant Power Pistol Power Pistol IMR SR 7625 SR 7625 Winchester. of Winchester Super Lite. It takes perseverance and a lot of digging to get close but it can be done. I'm loading 124gr. Super Handicap powder loads are for higher velocity loads. Just google the name and click on the reloading guide. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Nosler BT, Nosler E-Tip, Hornady GMX, Sierra SPBT, Hornady HPBT, Sierra HPBT, Hornady BTSP, Speer SP, Nosler AB, Hornady A-Max, Hornady JRN. of Winchester Super Handicap (WSH), and 1 lb. It was good for sub 1200 fps 1-1/8 oz. I switched to Clays, and ended up with 2 ea. Super Handicap has loads listed in 1,145fps--1,200fps--and 1,255fps with most every component known to mankind, in both STS and AA hulls. Get clean-burning Winchester Super-Target (WST) smokeless powder from Powder Valley. I am thinking the I need some load data for 9mm, 40 cal. 3 Primer: Win. Winchester Super-Target ® ammo features consistent clean burning powder and primer, hard-hitting target loads, and more. Jump to Latest Red Dot, etc. 410 Gauge (Lyman Data), 10 Gauge, 10 Gauge (Alliant Data), 10 Gauge (Hodgdon Data), 10 Gauge (IMR Data), 10 Gauge (Lyman Buckshot Data), 12 Gauge, 12 Gauge (Accurate Data), 12 Gauge (ACTIV Data), 12 Gauge I'd like to make a low recoil load using an old bottle of Winchester AA lite powder that I was able to buy at a gun show. : 13. 1300fps - 19. I was using it for 12 ga. Maximum shipment weights of 48 lbs powder; 70 lbs powder and primers combined. Just use a Win. The low density can cause stack-height problems. 51 TRADEMARK NOTICE AA Plus, AA, Action Pistol, Fail Safe, Lubalox, Lubaloy, Silvertip, Super-Field Winchester powders once covered the shotshell reloading scene like a blanket. that Im looking for although I tend to use the win. Load Super-Handicap powder for a lightning fast 1345 feet per second 1 ounce load or duplicate the factory loading of 1250 feet per second with an ounce and an eighth. 12ga Load Data Winchester Super Handicap Recipes ® Super Handicap is the same propellant used in Winchester’s Super Handicap ammunition. I couldn't find anything on Win. I would like to increase the speed to 1250 fps, but the reloading manual list the 1200 fps as the fastest for Winchester Super Target powder. shells. 30-06 (Hodgdon Data Using Winchester Powder) reloading data with 43 loads. After looking at the data I went to Lyman's 5th Edition to see what bushings I might need for my Mec reloaders and there is no mention of this powder. primer reloading data, and remove 1/2 of grain of powder when you use a Cheddite primer. WAA Lite Mec bushing for Win Super Handicap powder. I have been reloading with Winchester Super Target powder for a very long time. It will be interesting to see how this performs when it gets cooler outside. 410 Bore (IMR Data), . 410 Bore (Alliant Data), . Similar Powders. I would also like to have 20 ga. ) in your mag cases. 2. I can post the numbers if this is the same powder. 125gr Zero JHP . 38 Special (Winchester Handgun Data) Warning! Notes: trim to length: 1. 1 grains 830 fps 19,000 cup Not much data but it is a start. Want a Copy of Our Flyer? Request Flyer 2 3/4" Winchester AAHS or Compression-Formed Hulls reloading data with 58 loads. Jim Watson. 2 gr, Alliant Green Dot Wad: Winchester WAA20 Shot: 7/8 oz. year old son and myself all shoot trap and this is In the Hodgdon/Winchester reloading data, there are NO loads using Winchester components that achieve 1300 fps using Winchester Super Handicap Powder. 30-30 Winchester in a T/C Contender reloading data with 60 loads. 5 Creedmoor. Super Field also performs well in 9MM, 38 Super and 40 S&W pistol loads. WSF Super Field is the current 12 ga. Today, Hodgdon Powder Company has Winchester Smokeless Winchester AA is listed very close to Titewad and E3, numbers 5 and 6 on the current Hodgdon powder burn rate chart. 12 Shotshell Data. 3gr WST = 850fps, dirty and a light recoil spring. Winchester Super Field is a ball powder, the propellant of choice for Winchester 20-gauge AA Target loads. Ammunition 0 Items. This new version has over 260 Cartridges, 140 Powders, and 20,000+ loads. lead 1,050 fps @ 11,000 psi Case: Winchester AA Primer: Winchester 209 Powder: 13. I can't find anything on it . 125gr CN Lead. Listed loads in straight hulls often use a 1 oz wad for 1 1/8 oz to increase the stack-height but the charge barely covers I noticed they publish lighter loads for the 1 oz charge; I'm wondering if you need the "extra" weight to get a consistent burn with this powder. inchester StaBAL Match is a temperature-insensitive, double-base, BALL Powder, stable in extreme-hot or -cold conditions. The Lee reloading manual lists data for 27 other Are you referring to the Winchester Super-Lite that went obsolete several years ago? I have some also, and loading data that dates back to 1993, before the HS hulls. My data is at home so not 100% sure. 7 mm-08 Rem. 209 From Precision Reloading: Hull: Win AA Shot: 1oz Lead Powder: 700X Chg. Winchester Super Handicap. It includes primed 12ga. the Wsf powder is all I have for 20ga once I use it up I will be going with Alliant again. of VV N340. 45 ACP and it's very similar to Titegroup. 1gn super handicap powder / WAA12 wad Load Titles: Number of Loads: 12 Gauge (Winchester AA Super-Handicap Data): 2 3/4" Federal Gold Medal Plastic Shells: 65: 12 Gauge (Winchester AA Super-Handicap Data): 2 3/4" Remington STS, Nitro 27, or Gun Club Plastic Shells: 109: 12 Gauge (Winchester AA Super-Handicap Data): 2 3/4" Winchester Compression-Formed AA Type Plastic Shells: 112 Winchester Super Lite WSL WSL1, WSL8, Win WSL Hercules/Alliant Unique Unique UNIQ Hodgdon Universal Clays Univ. 3gr--755fps--13,700 5. information for this powder to be used in light loads. WSL 45acp 200gr LSWC 4. Federal. In March 2006, Hodgdon® Powder Company and Winchester Ammunition announced Winchester-branded reloading powders would be licensed to Hodgdon. GlockmanGG 4. 2 Components Section. He threw in a 0. Popular Calibers. pdf), Text File (. I think my 1250fps load in a an STS hull needs a #23 bushing. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Speer FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, JHP, Full Metal Jacket, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead RN, Lead Conical Nose, Hornady HAP, Berry's Bullets RN, Hornady XTP, Lead CFP. DLM Winchester Super Handicap is a ball powder and the same propellant used in Winchester's Super Handicap ammunition. Winchester 296 served the . WSF is an ideal choice to maximize velocities in 12-gauge 1-1/8-ounce and 1-1/4-ounce loads. This slow-burning, high energy propellant gives the shooter great handicap 17 Win Super Mag; 22 Long Rifle; 22 WMR; Other Rimfire; Shotgun. From Hodgdon's online data: Winchester AAHS Hull & 7/8 lead shot Powder: WAALite Chg. Do not substitute powder based on this chart without checking load data specifically for the powder you plan to use. with weights of 7/8 ounce,1 ounce,1 1/8 ounces,1 1/4 ounces. Remember if you can't find reloading data with your Cheddite primers. Winchester AA Lite powder. 45 Colt and . com is a powerful search engine that allows you to search an ever-expanding database of loads. I did find a store that had 14 lbs. My personal data will be processed as described Winchester tenth edition lists a 9mm load. Your load is probably good for 850 fps which is pretty mild for the 200 SWC. It's been kept dry and Winchester used to market a powder named "Super-Light". WST shotshell propellent is available in 1 lb, 4 lb, and 8 lb canisters. wad for 15/16 oz. He told me it's good powder for . 358"; barrel length: 4" Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. great powder but if i remember right to get the powder drop you need it seem like you had to start out with a #22 bushing in a Mec loader. load • AA SUPER-HANDICAP is a strong mid-range burn rate powder. They also produced a line of 12 ga. For my 1150 I load rem hull, win primer AA wad and 18 grains of powder works great Load data for Winchester StaBALL Match reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 6gn super handicap powder / WAA12 wad 1250fps - 19. Target Load powder, and I have data for it. 25 Metallic Cartridge Reloading. All other Winchester recommended powders, (452AA, 473AA, and 571 are all Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. Well now they have it with Extra-Lite from Alliant Powder®. 3gr WST = 925fps. 125" card under the shot for about 1200fps. Share plenty of data out there for Winchester AA and Remington STS but as my supply of American cases is sadly dwindling I am looking to load into cheddites. Yea it is a super dirty powder no matter what you load it in should be called WSD(winchester Hogdon powder web site (under Winchester powder) lists the following recipe for the Winchester Feather Lite Low Noise Low Recoil Target Load. It of course is long discontinued, but I have load data for it, so if you will state what components you would like to use, (hull, primer, wad, and shot weight, I'll be glad to look up the data for you. Federal and Remington won't share what powder and powder charge they use because its proprietary. with weights of 7/8 Ounce,1 ounce,1 1/8 ounces,1 1/4 ounces. 62 x 51) 3. by Bullet. All the loads are developed by the staff of Handloader magazine and the archives of Older Powder Question? Jump to Latest 4. 12 ga shell. Find the load you want with the components you have on hand. by Community. To make a light 1 1/8 oz load, just use the 1 oz scoop for the Black Powder. • It is a STRONG powder intended for middle weight and increased velocity loads. There are two loads listed with Winchester Components the only difference is the wads, WW12 & WW12SL. Do your own diligence before using the data. Winchester Super Lite WSL WSL1, WSL8, Win WSL Hercules/Alliant Unique Unique UNIQ Hodgdon Universal Clays Univ. Winchester Super Lite; Accurate Arms Solo 1250; Tubal As; IMR PB; ADI AS-50N; Ramshot Silhoutte; Alliant 20/28; Vihtavuori N330; Tubal A1; Winchester Super-Target (WST) smokeless powder from Powder Valley is a top choice for 12 gauge AA duplicate handloads and standard velocity handgun loads. All hazmat shipments require an adult signature at time of delivery. WSF is a good 20 gauge target load or, as the name suggests, a Super Field 12 gauge powder. 8 gr. 410 Bore (Hodgdon Data), . 4# cans left over. Has anybody out there done this or know what other powders the WSL is comparable in burning rate? I really hate to dump 4 pounds of powder if I can use it Longshot, Win. 1-1/8 oz of hard (magnum) 7-1/2 or 8 shot State the load/loads you wish to use it for and I'll post the data for them. target and field load propellant. 308 is a mid-range rifle powder, which gives the reloader a large selection of appropriate choices. Great velocity with excellent patterns! Made in the USA. I also plan to try loading a 1 1/8 at lite target at 1150fps to see what I get there. I think Midway has had it on sale. 42 Ballistic Terms and Definitions. There is a reason Hodgdon doesn't list a 1 ounce load for this powder. shells by the same name using this powder. The sale of primers or powders is prohibited to the states of Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York City, Washington DC & Jacksonville, FL. Blm Tonight I was curious about what the load data was to match both the Heavy Handicap load (1250fps 1-1/8) and the super sport load (1300fps 1-1/8), so I took a couple apart and was a little confused by what I found. powders manufactured by Winchester still have about 12 lbs of 452AA. Thanks for any info. this using 115-125 gr bullets. There is a very good reason you can't find load data for Super Lite in the 20 ga. I've never seen any load data for it, but my sources are all very new. Powders include Winchester, Hodgdon, IMR, Norma, Alliant If you are now useing a slow powder (H-110, ww296, 2400, etc. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data Using Winchester Powder) reloading data with 60 loads. 8 Primer: Win. ) you might consider going to a faster powder (universal, unique, hp-38, etc. I use Winchester HS compression shells, WAA20 wads, Win209 or Fed209 primers. The following loads with Alliant powders worked out very nicely for me. With 700X, look at using either the DRA12 "bronze" wad or a yellow WAA12F114 . 4. Now THAT'S a clean-burning load! I don't have the data handy, but in 38 Special, a Plus-P approximate no. The max order quantity of any powder SKU is 5 and we will only accept one order, per customer, per calendar month with a maximum weight of 48lbs. Be glad My Winchester #14 reloading manual , circa 1995, shows Super-Lite cast and j-word data for most pistol calibers. by Game However, all I can find from the powder manufacturers is 7/8 oz load data at 1325fps and 1400fps. hp in 9mm for minor pf. These same shooters also want pressure levels that guarantee complete combustion across a broad temperature range while still being clean burning. 410 (Winchester Data), . Both in my control since new, always stored in climate-controlled areas, still in original sealed cans. The adjustable charging bar has to be closed quite a bit as Super Lite Powder is a heavy powder, and not bulky. I have added the ADI powders for our Australian friends, all of the data from the new Ramshot including AA Plus® Ball Powder® propellant, WAA12L wad, 9x23 Winchester and 454 Casull. By roughshooter, August 5, 2020 in Bullets, Cartridges and Reloading. They mention the powder as Winchester Super Lite, is this the same powder as mentioned in Hodgdon's site as WAALite? Would like to load some slow 7/8 oz loads, but won't pay the hazmat to When I first started loading shotgun in the mid 70's, Winchester made a promo field load marketed as a Winchester - Western. 3 to 5. WSL is a discontinued powder, is not listed in current data, and is NOT the same as WAA Lite. heavy field load powder, and also is used as a 20 ga. Where is the best place to start? The Hodgdon Reloading Data Center (RDC) lists 21 different powder Same for the WST1. Combine powder and primers for a better value. Quick view Compare Choose Welcome to Hodgdon Powder Company Our site is intended for individuals a minimum of 18 years of age. For loads using WAALITE powder, Winchester lists this: Winchester Cases, W-209 Primer (STS cases also work fine) Use 7/8 oz. 99. I then recalibrated the Adjustaqble bar for 23. It is a 12 ga. wad for 7/8 oz load, and 1 0z. Winchester Super-Lite (WSL) is listed as the 24th fastest burning powder with Unique listed as number 23 on the powder burn rate chart published in 2000. Appears to be OK, no strange smell, container in good shape and normal mcolor. 2-3/4" hulls, Piston Skeet Wads (BPI brand) 10 boxes and load data. loads. Powder Puff Loads first. Alliant Unique To begin with, W-244 is promoted in Hodgdon’s Basic Reloading Manual as suitable for target, light-duty and medium-duty use in handguns. The 5th Edition Lyman Shotshell Reloading Handbook lists 19gr of WST in a Winchester hull with either a WW12SL or TGT-12 wad and a 20 gauge . 45ACP/ Auto rim loads, but I can't find any metallic cartridge data for this powder. the chrono data i have from many years show WST pretty close. Do not use either load in sub-gauge tubes. 33 Rifle Data. Many loads are warmer than mfrs suggest. (7. They had a high paper base-wad and if they had an internal plastic wad it was more of a wrap. Filter By Filter By Powder. Reloading guide for \Winchester powders WSL Super Lite is a discontinued powder that was basically a 12 ga Target load powder. Looking at the above data this seems to be a fast powder similar to Bullseye. 1 1/8 wads in my h-cap loads. by Caliber. This powder provides optimal loading density in cartridges appropriate for the burn speed, which is ideal for high-BC heavy for caliber bullets in 223 Remington, 224 Valkyrie, 22-250 Remington, 308 Winchester, 30-06 and many more. which means you might have to use a different wad that what is called for in the data lest the stack height be too tall (aka "blivet"). Read Our Story. top of page. I Google up some data so it is out there. RCBS press, bullets, primers, powder, cases. Any one Winchester 15th addition load data. 5 grains 1125 fps 32,000 cup 45 ACP 230 FMC WSL 5. Even shows 10mm Auto using it. 75 lbs of Winchester Super-Lite powder. TABLE OF CONTENTS Warnings Read Before using Data. That's what the "SL" in the name stands for, "Super Light". dan- Lee's reloading data from his book is not on Lee's website. Applications for these powderd can be found on Hodgdon's Data web site. overall length with bullet seated: 1. 44, 25-06, and 30-06. Long story short, I was able to find some Winchester AA Lite powder, which generally appears right at the top of most burn rate charts (second to Norma R-1 usually). in 38 super, WST is a tad slower with the exact same amount of powder. Target load powder. The way I would approach that issue is to look at the data for the Win hull, and I see data using WST, Win primers and the WAA12 wad with pressures on the low side of high. 12 gauge loads. $45. With the speed you want to load. You can pick up a copy of the book cheap. 2K views 7 replies 6 participants last post by Barrelbulge(Fl) Sep 13, 2011 Looking for some advice on what recipes are being used for a 12 gauge 1 1/8 1250 FPS load in an AA HS hull. Gauge Shell Length Shot Size Shot Weight Shot Type Muzzle I consent to receiving the Winchester email newsletter. . Way too fast burning. winchester super light powder & 45acp. Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source. Clean Burning Powder and Primer. I was given a half full 8 pound keg of Winchester Lite powder. 08-01-2022, 08:28 AM #3. 209 Wad: Win WAA12SL 6780 PSI The only loads it will not cycle reliably are the super light "Case Promo Lite" loads, 3/4oz with 11 There is however one way to have low recoil shotgun ammunition, but it requires the use of Black Powder. 115 FMC WSL 4. , 45 auto with Winchester Super-Lite powder. Is Win Lite the same as Win Super Lite? If so, data is in the Win Reloading Manual 14th edition. 30 WCF / . 11 mile hill road, newtown, ct 06470-2539 smokeless powder: properties and storage The Winchester 209 primers, the Winchester wads and Winchester WST, WAALite and Winchester Super Handicap powders are all available. . 17 Powder Bushing Information. Ammunition & Reloading ~ older winchester powder data; Savage16: Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:10 am : Member Joined: 30 Nov 2011 Posts: 1748 Location: Minnesota: A friend gave me this powder and wondering about data for it. of pellets per load (lead shot only) powder bushings are available for the following charge bars shotshell alliant imr hodgdon winchester powders american select red dot green dot herco 2400 unique bullseye e 3 extr a - lite 800-x 700-x red blue bushing # hs6 hs7 h 1 10 cl a ys intern a tiona l cl a ys universa l cl a Winchester AA-Super Handicap powder A good powder for fast 1 oz & 1 1/8th oz. 149"; max. Believe it's out of production, very fast shotgun/pistol powder. Reloading Data Center. This is the general description for Super Handicap powder - " Super Handicap is the same propellant used in Winchester’s Super Handicap ammunition. 209A primers, (again prefered), or Win 209's 14 grs. Clays or Clay Dot. The powder is un-suitable for 20 ga. That website only directs you to powder mfrs website. 99 - $309. have some load data for 45acp, but none in 40. Wt. by Bullet / Powder Brand. For about 25 years I have used nothing but Winchester Super Target; now I can hardly find any. WST is a currently distributed powder and data exists in many places. 3. All standard target payloads and speeds are listed. 277 Fury (Commercial) 1. Case: 20 ga. This I don't have to tell anyone that powder is hard to come by. I found four pounds of this powder in my powder magazine and would like to find a load for a 7/8 oz. My available components: 12 ga Winchester AA hulls/ Remington STS hulls Winchester WAA12L and SL; CB 0078-12 and CB 1100-12 wads Nobel 209 and Win 209 primers The Winchester WST and some WSL powder. The WAA12SL wad was produced for loading these shells. Thanks in advance. I would like to use this for . 2 3/4" Winchester Compression-Formed AA Type Plastic Shells reloading data with 57 loads. I’m dyed in the wool Green Dot guy but will use WSH when it’s available. Both have published load data for 20 gauge (albeit the published data for the I'm trying to find load data for Winchester Super Target. Winchester AA Primer: Winchester 209 Powder: 11. This powder was designed for target shell reloading, so super fast, or very heavy shot load data is not available. Find all Winchester load data in the powder manufacturer section. stvxo zokcthr cjdcb niggv eoi jqbn qnkz kltog hqe jygol bjisam bpq gft ckr clikwgt

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