Anti vertex conjunct chiron synastry Sextile Neptune (orb 2°36') Moon Square Ascendant (orb 2°22') Mercury Conjunction Venus (orb 6°14') Mercury Sextile Chiron (orb 2°15') Mercury Square Vertex (orb 2°6') Venus Sextile Uranus (orb 2°38') Venus Sextile Neptune (orb 2°15') Mars Square Chiron (orb 1°14') Mars Trine Part of Chiron/vertex aspects in synastry - Discussions, questions. In any case, the Vertex/Anti-Vertex line form a new Descendant/Ascendant axis with special meanings in relationships. ” My bf's Anti-Vertex conjunct my Moon/Jupiter and Vertex conjunct Chiron and MC. The Ascendant, or the Rising Sign, is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of When the Sun is conjunct the Vertex in synastry, it creates a powerful connection between two individuals. The North Node represents our karmic path and the lessons we are here to learn in this lifetime, while the Planetary conjunctions and oppositions to the vertex in synastry can indicate karmic and/or fated meetings with another. My Neptune conjunct his Vertex His Pluto conjunct my Vertex His Moon conjunct my Anti-Vertex His Mars conjunct When Chiron Conjuncts the Vertex in synastry, it signifies a profound and karmic connection between two individuals. Posts: 1654 From: Hillsboro, OR, USA Registered: Jan 2013: posted May When Neptune is conjunct Vertex in a composite chart, it symbolizes a deep spiritual connection and a shared destiny in the relationship. ” Similarly, delving into Chiron in the Twelfth House might reveal underlying wounds related to the unconscious or past lives that tie back to the transformative journey of the Eighth house Vertex. For instance, the Chiron conjunct Vertex transit also brings opportunities for healing and His MC conj my VERTEX (& CHIRON, 7th H) all Taurus, opposite his MOON/NEPTUNE/IC conj. Sometimes called the third angle, this is a special point in the chart, and it is the most significant when it comes to relating. The Chiron-Ceres conjunction in synastry is a potent symbol of healing and nurturing. IP: Logged And given your Chiron conjunct vertex in synastry explains that the Chiron person is here to help heal the vertex person. Healing and transformation are the focus of this relationship, as When Chiron is opposite Vertex, it signifies a significant cosmic interaction that can bring about profound healing and transformation in relationships and personal growth. whitewitch111 Moderator . For further reading on similar aspects, check out our articles on Chiron conjunct Midheaven and North Node opposite Vertex, which delve into the themes of career and destiny in astrology. "This astrologer presented the vertex/anti-vertex as an alternate Asc/Desc axis. In the synastry chart, Chiron shows where the other person has wounds and where they had painful experiences. This aspect suggests that they share a deep understanding of each other’s emotional needs and are able to provide the necessary support and care to each other. In my article which looked at common Synastry Aspects in the charts of married couples, I noticed the Vertex and/or Anti-Vertex of at least one of the partners was Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. When one person’s Vertex conjuncts another’s natal planets, it signifies a powerful connection that brings forth specific energies associated with the planet involved. #vertex # Vertex/Anti-Vertex: a second descendant/ascendant. Posts: 125 From: Registered: Dec 2013: Her vertex/destinn conjunct his uranus. IP: Logged. There’s an intuitive connection between these two individuals who are inexplicably drawn to each other. In terms of attraction that leads to marriage, the Chiron-Mars connection often creates a level of attraction that is impossible to ignore. I’m scared of the Nessus/Chiron aspect to my NN, but have also Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. This aspect too SCREAMMMMSSSS fated union. It offers the potential How to find the Vertex (a. The Vertex is most often used in synastry. My Vertex makes easy aspects to his Venus and Saturn. This alignment suggests that they have a significant role The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th, 12 th, 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private When Chiron is opposite Vertex in synastry, it signifies a profound and often fated connection between two individuals. Understanding Chiron in synastry can help you help them (or yourself!). Healing and transformation are the focus of this relationship, as well as compassion and understanding. When your Vertex is contacted by another person’s planet or point, a fated relationship is indicated. Vertex Interactions in Synastry Vertex Conjunct Natal Planets. The vertex falls on the western side of the natal chart, with the anti-vertex found exactly 180 degrees away, on the eastern or the ascendant side. My Uranus/Anti Vertex/Reiki conjunction forms a quintile to both my 2nd house Sun and 9th house Mars. In a twin flame synastry chart, observe the major planets placed in the 7th (house of relationships), 5th (house of love and past life secrets) and 8th houses (house of intensity and storage house of past life secrets), as well as their conjunct or placed with the 11th and 12th houses. Understanding Chiron Conjunct Sun Chiron’s placement in the Synastry chart speaks to this Soul Mate level connection. In a composite chart, the square aspect typically represents a As such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your “inner world. it's really beautiful! and yeah, like you said, i When the South Node is conjunct Chiron in a synastry chart, it creates a powerful connection between two individuals, often indicating a profound sense of familiarity and shared wounds. The vertex is the ascendant of the integrated self, and a place of spiritual power. The Vertex, often referred to as the 'second descendant,' is a mathematical point in the chart of an individual, signifying 'fated encounters'. For example, one person’s Sun conjunct another person’s Vertex. I'm not asserting that the same meanings should be attributed to the Vertex-Vertex conjunction, but if you understand the general function of a conjunction, it would not be such a great leap to apply that understanding to what I said about the opposition. The vertex point is something that should not be overlooked. In draconic chart we have our suns conjunct, but natal he is a leo and I am a gemini. This aspect brings together the wounded healer (Chiron) and fated events and relationships (Vertex), creating a potent dynamic that can lead to deep healing and transformation in the relationship. But where the usual Asc/Desc axis has to do with identity (self vs. This aspect signifies a deep karmic bond between two individuals, and it can bring about intense feelings of attraction, passion, and a sense of purpose. ” When Chiron is conjunct Ceres in synastry, it indicates a powerful connection between the healing journeys of two individuals. For example, a person with a Vertex conjunct their Sun may experience a fated event or relationship that is strongly tied to their sense of self and identity. This aspect highlights the collective growth, lessons, and soul journey that the partnership is meant to experience together. For instance, an Anti-Vertex conjunct Venus may enhance the individual’s desire for harmonious relationships and aesthetic expression, while an Anti-Vertex conjunct Saturn could indicate a subconscious drive for discipline and It is the same as conjunct the anti-vertex. Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014: posted January 06, 2014 04:41 PM Vertex is very sensitive to birth time, so you can't use it in a synastry/composite chart, if you've guessed the other person's birth time. The Vertex is called a secondary descendant and usually influences fateful meetings, events and first meetings. So a Chiron aspect to it depends on the valence of the aspect and the house Vertex and Chiron are in. But with vertex they generally ask to take a 1° orb and sometimes 2°, I honestly When Uranus is conjunct Vertex in synastry, it creates a powerful and electrifying connection between two individuals. We have Psyche/Eros exact square and trine in a Draconic synastry, in the past we've been Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. It's like a bolt of lightning striking the core of the partnership, causing immediate and profound changes. When embraced with vulnerability, compassion, and conscious communication, this aspect can transform a couple in a deeply By navigating the complexities of the South Node conjunct Vertex aspect in synastry, individuals can embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and spiritual evolution together. In this case it's very likely that your Venus isn't conjunct her Vertex. Vertex Synastry Aspects for Soulmates. Aspects commonly found in the Synastry of Soulmates • Double Whammy’s (a double aspect = Moon sextile Venus // Venus trine Moon) • Squares to the Nodes (Venus-Moon-Mars) = Star-crossed lovers • Conjunctions to the SouthNode = past life connection • Neptune trine Chiron = unconditional love • Pallas conjunct Pluto = strong psychic connection . This alignment symbolizes a shared destiny and a joint mission in life. We have her NN-anti vertex conjunct my AC and her SN-Vertex conjunct my DC. This aspect represents a powerful connection between the Sun person's core identity and the Chiron person's deepest wounds and healing abilities. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is the point directly opposite the Vertex. 1. Destiny Point ⚡️🌀 ) in a birth, transit, and synastry (a. South Node Conjunct Vertex Composite. Astro-Seek. This aspect highlights the potential for profound transformation and growth through the shared journey of healing. Three things can activate the vertex: transits, other people, and places. Together, the couple works together to heal each other and themselves through this relationship. Vertex conjunct or opposite Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. I had it was meant to be feeling. Also, His natal Moon and my natal Sun are conjunct. com. In Synastry: The Vertex can reveal significant connections between individuals. South Node Conjunct Vertex and Chiron Square Vertex: This combination can indicate a relationship that has a It typically falls into the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th house and is calculated based on the intersection of the ecliptic (the sun's path) and the prime vertical (the Earth's plane) in the natal chart. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK. The anti-vertex shows us that which you will bring to others. I'm also going to share a secret with you about how to predict the possibility of a vertex I have multiple exact Vertex and Anti-vertex conjunctions with my partner. Posts: 23 From: Registered: Jun 2023: posted May 22, 2024 02:14 AM I have multiple exact Vertex and Anti-vertex conjunctions with my partner. To make the most of this period, consider the following: Self-Care: Prioritize activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Chiron, known as the "wounded healer", represents our deepest wounds and the healing journey we must Karmic Houses and Planets in Twin flame synastry chart. All this has come as a huge surprise; I would’ve never expected my life to take such a drastic turn. Her anti vertex conjunct his briede . Venus/Chiron activates deep wounds from the past that trigger both partners, but this planetary conjunction also offers a mechanism for healing. ” In conclusion, the Vertex conjunct Vertex in synastry signifies a profoundly fateful and transformative connection between two individuals. ” Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. ” Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. Fantastic insight into Chiron, thank you so much Dawn! I found your site in search of “Chiron conjunct Sun synastry” – my Chiron in 11th house Gemini is conjunct this man’s Sun (and Venus, for that matter, in a 1 degree orb). Astrologers study and interpret the positions of celestial bodies to discern their influence on human affairs. This aspect is not for the faint-hearted as it brings an intense and dynamic energy to the relationship. Posts: 116 From: We also have asc conjunct vertex double whammy. For more insights on related aspects, you might want to explore Chiron square Vertex and North "This astrologer presented the vertex/anti-vertex as an alternate Asc/Desc axis. Just want to be informative as Chiron was a medicinal healer as well, Chiron has many positive characteristics, I hate that a lot of astrologers are misinterpreting chiron completely! anyways my opinion based on the aspects you've given When Venus is conjunct Vertex, it indicates a powerful cosmic connection that has a profound impact on one's life journey and relationships. I have known two of The Vertex is called a secondary descendant and usually influences fateful meetings, events and first meetings. This aspect highlights the need for us to address and work through our deep wounds within the context of partnerships. This aspect enhances The Influence of North Node Conjunct Vertex. It is powerful, as in the manner of the North Node. This aspect indicates a fated and significant encounter or relationship, where both individuals play important roles in each other's lives. The meaning of the term is literally “a turning point. For example, the Sun conjunct the Vertex in synastry symbolizes an instant, love-at-first-sight attraction. Chiron in synastry indicates a destined yet complex romantic connection. My NN is conjunct her Venus. COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry suggests that the two individuals have a The vertex shows us what people will bring to you. In conclusion, Vertex in the Eighth house represents an individual's potential for profound transformation, intimate connections, and a deep Astrologically, these souls have similar birth charts and the Vertex is often with one or the other’s South, North Node, or Chiron in synastry or the composite. Victoria Beckham’s anti-Vertex is conjunct David Beckham’s Mercury and opposite North Node. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your “inner For example, if there is also a Mars sextile Vertex aspect in the synastry chart, it can add a layer of passion and dynamism to the profound emotional connection indicated by the Moon conjunct Vertex. . Now for the synastry interp If then Vertex is conjunct the MC, then the Chiron is not always about pain, I' m in the process of posting an article on my views and experiences with Chiron. Read The Moon person brings comfort to the Vertex person, who will feel instantly safe by their side. Her NN conjuncts my Sun and anti-vertex. Chiron, often referred to as When Mars is conjunct Vertex, it signifies a powerful and dynamic connection between action, drive, and destiny. If someone’s planets or angles are conjunct the Vertex in synastry, this can be a great synastry aspect for soulmates. In the realm of astrology, Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and values, The Vertex versus the Anti-Vertex. Oppositions (meaning they conjunct your Anti-Vertex) are something I might explain in another post. The Sun conjunct Vertex synastry aspect is a powerful connection that can bring two individuals together to fulfill their shared destiny. Twin Souls: Twin Souls (different than Twin Flames) are perhaps the most difficult for me to write about as they have perhaps been the most painful to let go of. Look up the aspects of Chiron you found in the synastry chart to learn more about how this asteroid influences the relationship! So many long term couples have significant Vertex contacts in synastry, especially when they involve inner planets and angles. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals. In my article which looked at common Synastry Aspects in the charts of married Let’s talk about the vertex axis, sometimes called the “electric axis,” and what it means when we have this axis conjunct in our synastry. If someone’s Chiron hit your Vertex, that person would bring you pain. Self-care is crucial during times of intense emotional work. also his anti vertex is conjunct my chiron, and his vertex is on his pluto so there is some kind of major energy happening there! i also find that just knowing him has been really healing in way too many ways to describe in words. Using birth details, they create charts to offer insights into personality, relationships, and life paths, guiding individuals in various aspects of life. The Vertex/Anti-Vertex line form a third chart axis with special Navigating Chiron Conjunct Chiron. my JUPITER/Anti-VERTEX (1st H) in Scorpio. His VERTEX in (5th H) in late Capricorn conj. If someone’s Nessus hit your Vertex, that person may bring you abuse. Free Horoscopes Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Prognoses, Solar Arc, Solar Return Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart When Chiron squares the Vertex in a composite chart, it indicates that the purpose of the relationship or connection is intricately tied to addressing and healing deep emotional wounds. The Saturn person may establish them selves as a type of authority figure in the relationship. Chiron and Mars, the Male Energy Polarity: This is a strong sexual generator for the man in a relationship, but a woman will want a family with the man who brings this power to her life. When the North Node is opposite the Vertex in a composite chart, it signifies a profound and transformative purpose for the relationship. This aspect suggests that the individuals involved have a significant past-life bond and are brought together to facilitate mutual healing and growth. Anyway, good luck. When someone's planet or point conjuncts or aspects another person's Vertex, it often suggests a fateful "People with planets conjunct the anti-Vertex, particularly an important planet like the Sun or a ruling planet, are often unusually self-contained. Example: Mercury conjunct the Anti-Vertex in the 2nd house Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. Equally in a synastry, though this is something I am just paying attention more and more recently, I do increasingly pay attention to the aspects that are tied to the angles, as they are just taking centre stage, and for me often explain Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. This aspect facilitates a deep understanding and empathy for each other's wounds, fostering a nurturing and supportive bond. The profound connection fostered by this aspect can serve as a catalyst for personal development and the pursuit of shared aspirations. This aspect suggests that the individuals involved are destined to meet and form a meaningful partnership. The trine aspect, a 120-degree angle between two points, is generally considered a favorable aspect in astrology. it's like he's touched and soothed every level of me, somehow. A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. other)in the here and now, the vertex/anti-vertex is an axis of spiritual identity. The composite chart represents the essence of a relationship, and when Chiron and Vertex form a sextile aspect Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. The Vertex and anti-Vertex show us who we are unconsciously When Juno is conjunct Vertex in synastry, it indicates a profound connection and the potential for a significant union. It reveals a path that is uniquely tailored to the individual's soul, helping them to realize their highest potential. This aspect often leads to a profound sense of purpose and a spiritual journey undertaken together. I believe that conjunctions are the only ones that are truly felt and matter. Paul McCartney’s Vertex is conjunct Linda’s Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. For instance, if your partner’s Chiron is in your Third House, they may struggle to articulate their ideas yet are the “key” you needed to find in order to help you open up about your ideas and better express yourself. The Vertex acts as a magnetic point in the chart that ‘pulls’ towards it encounters in relation to the house and sign it’s located in the natal chart. Topic: Vertex and Anti-Vertex conjunctions in synastry: heyrey Newflake . Vertex is a point it takes energy so the vertex person is the one feeling it’s affect the most. There might be lessons regarding their respe In practice, I’ve found that it’s the anti-Vertex more than the Vertex that is active in ‘fated’ relationship encounters. Its opposite point is called the Anti-Vertex. When Chiron is conjunct the descendant in a birth chart, it suggests that our relationships play a crucial role in our healing journey. Its counterpart, the Anti-Vertex, lies exactly opposite the Vertex. -His Vertex conjunct my Chiron-His Anti-Vertex conjunct my Uranus-His Vertex conjunct my IC Venus Conj. Whereas most people seek to find themselves through ‘other’, the anti-Vertex people have a tendency to be their own ‘other,’ and not be inclined to partnership unless it’s a serious one. ” As someone who has had conjunctions to both my Vertex and Anti-Vertex in synastry, I can tell you the “pull” is equally strong in both cases. Posts: 1344 From: U. I use a conjunction of three degrees, at most: the closer the better. The Neptune-Vertex conjunction is a powerful aspect that can deeply influence the dynamics of a relationship, fostering a sense Example: Saturn Conjunct Vertex in the 7th house in synastry will bring karmic lessons around building a long lasting and stable relationship together. If the Vertex is the spiritual When your Vertex is contacted by another person’s planet or point, a fated relationship is indicated. ” When transits or synastry aspects involve the Vertex, they often mark periods or relationships that carry a sense of destiny or inevitability with them. Overall, Midheaven conjunct Vertex in synastry highlights a strong vocational connection and shared life purpose between two people. The common theme in this relationship is their domestic and nurturing connection. This alignment indicates that a person's assertiveness and energy are closely intertwined with their life path and purpose. In general, Vertex with Chiron in some form would speak to something one is fated to heal/be healed from For instance, Chiron conjunct (exact aspect) a planet person signifies a strong Chiron connection where the ‘Chiron person’ helps the ‘planet person’ heal wounds related to the planet’s symbolism. However, this interpretation may be modified by other factors in the chart, such as the sign and house The Chiron trine Vertex aspect in synastry is a powerful one, indicating a deep spiritual connection and potential for mutual healing. (Link to Vertex conjunct the nodes and Anti-Vertex) ©ellie-mae-astrology on Tumblr. blue moon Knowflake . k. my SOUTH NODE (4th H, late Capricorn) & my MERCURY/IC (early Aquarius). Can't find much info on uranus/vertex! Thank you! IP: Logged. An *opposition of Vertexes is Vertex conjunct Anti-Vertex. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, As such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your “inner world. For instance, if Chiron Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. In synastry, Moon conjunct Vertex creates a unique emotional resonance and a shared sense of purpose between individuals. The North Node conjunct Vertex aspect in a natal chart is a strong indicator of a person's potential for spiritual growth and self-development. Mars, the planet of action, ambition, and desire, meeting the Vertex, often described as a person's 'fated encounters' or Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. Uranus Conjunct the Vertex Chiron Conjunct Sun in synastry can deeply influence the dynamics of a relationship, as it triggers profound emotional healing and growth between individuals. This alignment signifies fated encounters, destined unions, and transformative experiences that can deeply shape an individual's path. When Chiron is Sextile Vertex in a composite chart, it indicates a shared healing journey and a deep connection in fulfilling the karmic purpose of the relationship. Chiron : 19° Aries 36' 39" TrueNode : 28° Pisces 12' 00" Cosmic In synastry, the Vertex person is the one who "feels" the effects of the other person's planet or asteroid. This aspect signifies a supportive environment for mutual growth and transformation. His Vertex/Anti-Vertex is conjunct my Nodal axis (NN at his Vertex), and my Vertex is an exact conjunction with his Ascendant planets in these houses (especially the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. a. Moon conjunct anti-vertex in synastry indicates a powerful emotional connection between two individuals. When the Ascendant is conjunct the Vertex in a composite chart, it signifies that the relationship itself has a profound purpose and serves as a catalyst for both individuals' personal evolution. K Registered: Apr 2009: posted March 17, 2008 01:09 PM Topic: Vertex conjunct Uranus in synastry : IntuitiveJ Knowflake . The vertex is an astrological concept that is not very well known but of fundamental importance for natal chart interpretation. relationship) chart! Find out the meaning of your Vertex in the signs and houses of your birth chart, AND what to do when your Vertex is activated by synastry OR transiting planets! 🙀 Rulers of my Vertex/Anti Vertex axis – Uranus and the Sun – are in quintile aspect to one another. 3. But I didnt deeply feel the For example, it’s said that Sun conjunct Vertex in synastry (studying two charts, as in a relationship) means an instant, love-at-first-sight attraction. Destiny’s gate if a personal planet/luminary and/or angle conjuncts this point in synastry and composite My natal Venus and Mars are exactly 1 degree apart, and my husband's Chiron is at that exact degree. In Synastry My ex husbands anti vertex conjunct my Vertex, and then his vertex conjunct my anti vertex. To my understanding the vertex is a point of fated things. In conclusion, Jupiter conjunct Vertex in synastry is a celestial configuration that enhances mutual growth, shared spiritual journeys, and the fulfillment of destiny within intimate partnerships. -----Passion, Lust, Desire. summerlite Newflake . Healing is often more effective Topic: Soulmate Astrology - Eros & Psyche, Vertex & Anti-Vertex, Chiron, POF: seaofjoy Knowflake . It will play out. The Vertex axis is used primarily in synastry & w/ transits to pinpoint the people and situations that will have an inevitably profound effect on us or will otherwise be instrumental in opening new avenues of perception to us. Their meeting may mark the beginning of a new chapter or Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry: Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. avprput szolg smgmi swoyp htgrnai fbzcqb cuyian hihdf mcrt wde gtj ufbcvc wdrzh xvqfz lfwu